Provide financial and non-financial incentives for apprenticeships, encourage the participation of vulnerable and low-income actors, but also raise awareness among accountants to overcome the difficulties of companies. These are just some of the points that emerged from the answers to the survey that the Network of Cities for Apprenticeship sent to metropolitan municipalities and other european cities that have joined the network.
The results were presented on 18 March during a live discussion with representatives of some of the municipalities of the Roman area, during which the Metropolitan City of Rome and the Network of Cities for Apprenticeship presented the initiatives to promote apprenticeship and skills for local economic development and green and digital transition.
Among the priorities that the answers have highlighted (the data are aggregated Italian and foreign) there is certainly "To start a dialogue with schools and teaching staff so that they can inspire young people to consider an apprenticeship" - considered extremely important by 52.94% of the answers, and important from 23.53% - "Increased access to funding from the Regional Development Fund or the EU Social Fund" - considered extremely important by 58.82% of the participants in the questionnaire and very important from 29.41% - and "Investing in innovative fields of study, such as renewable energy, and increasing the number, range and quality of apprenticeships in the green sector" – which reaches 64.71% of the approvals of those who consider it an extremely important step to take.
On the other side, at the moment they are considered to be less priority "Collectively identifying problem areas where the market alone may not provide the necessary apprenticeships for local businesses" (little is important for 17.65% of responses), "Working together to address critical issues, providing the necessary apprenticeships for local businesses, and addressing gaps in the supply needed by employers" (not very important for 17.65% of responses) and "Channeling enterprises, suppliers and partners in priority sectors", considered to be of little value by 11.76% of respondents and irrelevant by an equally 11.76%.
To download the slides and read all the answers to the questionnaire click here (in italian only)