With more than 4.3 million inhabitants, the Metropolitan City of Rome is the largest metropolitan city in Italy. The metropolitan city has complex purposes, such as the general metropolitan planning including communication facilities, service and infrastructure networks, public services organization of general interest, mobility and economic development.
As the first metropolitan city to join the European Alliance for Apprenticeship in 2017, the Metropolitan City of Rome has since developed the programme Si, vale! – Integrated Systems to Valorise Apprenticeships, Workplace Training and Experience Abroad promoting and supporting high-standard apprenticeships at metropolitan level. The aim is to support the quality and quantity of apprenticeship offers and strengthen the connection between active labour market policies and the sustainable development of local communities.
As member of the European network Cities for Apprenticeship:
- Act as Secretariat of the network City4apprenticeship, launched in cooperation with the European Commission.
- Apprenticeship will be included as a social criteria in public procurement, to encourage and support municipalities and public entities in the metropolitan area to use public procurement as a way of getting more employers to offer apprenticeships and other training programmes
- In the frame of Si, vale!, the metropolitan programme supporting our commitment in the European Alliance for Apprenticeship (EaFA), a forum will be launched in January 2021 gathering representative of the business sectors, employers organizations, professional associations (Engineers Association, Accountants Associations, etc.) and a roadshow across the metropolitan municipalities. Main aim is to build connections and alliances between government, education/training, local businesses and communities also supporting local pact for skills and employment.
- In the frame of Si, vale! local coalition will be promoted and sustained aimed at implementing apprenticeship schemes in the green building sector
- Through Your first EURES Job and Reactivate the Metropolitan City of Rome helps young and mature people to get installed for an apprenticeship in a new European country.
Ms Rosanna Capone – Director Unit 3
E mail: cities4appren@cittametropolitanaroma.gov.it