On 3 November the Metropolitan City of Rome met with the CNA - National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises. On the agenda is the promotion of apprenticeships in the metropolitan area of Rome, a theme at the center of the project Sì, vale - integrated systems for apprenticeships, which the metropolitan city of Rome has been carrying out since 2017.
To open the live discussion Metropolitan City of Rome, which emphasized the need to start an experimental local path to make the most of apprenticeships and business requests. What needs to be undermined is that vision of apprenticeship still too tied to a traditional model, which clashes with the reality of large companies that use the apprenticeships for the recruitment of graduates and high profiles.
According to Luca Barrera of the CNA of Rome, with regard to craft activities, there is a significant decline in the attractiveness of apprenticeships. “The bureaucracy has made it more of a thought than an opportunity for employers. Today it is like yet another bureaucratic burden and considered a tool to train a person who will then go to work elsewhere. There is therefore less familiarity, also because in the meantime alternative paths have been created ".
Giordano Rapaccioni, CNA trade union relations, making a comparison between past and present in the use of apprenticeships by artisanal companies, underlined how the CNA has always advocated its review, especially for the training costs borne by the employer . "The reform number 167/2011 moved training within the company, significantly reducing the external one, and this led to a strong push in the use of apprenticeships".
And that freedom to assign a part of training to companies, the Metropolitan City also emphasized, is precisely the innovative aspect of the dual system. At this point, dialogue between institutions and the world of work becomes essential, also considering the fact that there are professional skills - such as those that have to do with personal care - considered obsolete, while they should be supported and updated with training projects.
With an eye to the immediate future, Rapaccioni then introduced the theme of the mismatching between supply and demand. "Since the priority will be the energy, ecological and digital transition, we will face a period in which specialized figures will be required, for example in the building and plant engineering sector.
And the solution to solve the mismatching could be apprenticeship.