On Thursday 12 January, in the Professional Training Center of Castel Fusano (Rome), a meeting was held for the promotion of first-level apprenticeship. At the meeting also the companies active in the area of the roman coast and surrounding area took part.
These are 7 companies in the catering sector that have entered into, or shall enter into, apprenticeship contracts with the students of the dual course being trained at the school. Are young people who are attending the 3rd and 4th year, who are already spending many hours of their total in the company.
Currently in Castel Fusano the dual course is attended by 31 students (16 in the third year and 15 in the fourth). There are 8 apprenticeship contracts that have been activated since 15 January. The students and companies present signed the contracts in the presence of Stefano Carta, manager of the Metropolitan City of Rome, and Maurizio Apicella, manager of Capitale Lavoro.
Also present was Gianfranco Guidi of ANPAL (National Agency for Active Labor Policies) who took the opportunity to talk about first-level apprenticeship and on the reasons for the resistance that this institute still encounters from companies and labor consultants.
The Professional Training Center of Castel Fusano is in close relationship with the companies of the sector with the aim of creating a favorable context for the diffusion of the first level apprenticeship, a tool that guarantees the legal recognition of the work carried out in the company also in the ambit of the activities of training and demonstrates to the student the investment that the employer is willing to make in him.
The Center also plays the role of facilitator for companies during the activation and contract management procedures, and contributes to the resolution of those difficulties that may arise and which often lead entrepreneurs to give up in favor of other types of contracts such as the stage.