The “Lazio Academy” call is launched, a new initiative of the Lazio Region that provides training activities addressed at young people, women and people already included in the world of work or unemployed.
It is a network made up of training agencies, companies, accredited bilateral bodies, higher technical institutes and professional schools that will offer training courses. The goal is to retrain, update and redefine the specific skills of workers in the tourism, construction and digital sectors.
The notice is funded with 10 million of public ESF +, on the basis of a special notice that will be published in November. Those who participate in the courses will receive an allowance of up to 800 euros per month.
The job market is constantly changing and needs increasingly specialized professionals. Lazio Academy plans to provide training addressed at job placement with permanent contracts, including apprenticeships, with the aim of reducing the gap between the skills possessed and the demands of the market.
The aim is to encourage the proactivity of the fabric of medium, small and very small enterprises, by setting up real hubs of skills to guarantee training addressed at production needs and to compete with large companies.