Apprenticeships work. As revealed by a recent research (What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth, 2020) apprenticeships can improve local economic growth in a number of ways. Apprenticeships can have a positive impact on skills level, wages and employment opportunities for individuals. They can also impact on the productivity of those firms taking on apprentices.
Local governments support apprenticeships because the public benefits of apprenticeships, e.g. in the form of higher local economic growth, skills and employment, may exceed the private benefits.
Yet cities have identified two challenges in particular when it comes to improving take-up of apprenticeships in their local area. The first is lack of awareness among individuals and employers. The second challenge instead is around helping businesses navigate the apprenticeships system.
To respond to these needs, some cities have set up local brokerage services to facilitate the matching and developed targeted communication campaign.
How did you respond to these challenges? What are your challenges?
Share your experience and ideas at the online Live Discussion on 21st January 2021 from 11:00 to 12:30 CET and/or participating to this survey.