The Metropolitan City of Roma, as promoter of the European Network of Cities for Apprenticeships, organized the discussion table on the theme "Actions and proposals for the promotion of apprenticeships in the metropolitan area" which will take place online next Tuesday 22 June.
Strengthened by the program “sì, vale!", through the Lazio Region for widespread use of the training apprenticeship tool in companies, the Metropolitan City of Rome has been working for some time with three lines of action:
- a discussion table with municipalities with a high industrial vocation and a concentrated presence of companies;
- a table with the employers and trade associations at the metropolitan level, as well as with the professional technical orders involved in the issue of employment services;
- a systemic approach that introduces rewarding social criteria for companies participating in public tenders and using apprenticeships in the recruitment phases of new staff.
The event of 22 June is part of a series of metropolitan, national and European working groups that will make it possible to link a document on concrete proposals aimed at strengthening the role of metropolitan cities in the definition and implementation of policies capable of local sustainable economy, skills development and active labor policies.
The meeting will be attended by:
- Stefano Carta, Director of Dept. I Service 4 "Services for professional training" of Metropolitan City of Rome
- Maurizio Apicella, Executive of Capitale Lavoro S.p.A.
- Maria Fabiani, Advisor of Capitale Lavoro S.p.A./ Metropolitan City of Rome
Among the topics under discussion: the role of Metropolitan City for the promotion of apprenticeships at European level, the EAfA Network, the strengthening of the dual system and apprenticeship in the new Recovery and Resilience Plan. At the end of the work, a round table will be held on the theme: role, proposals and contributions of the actors of the territory (Municipalities, trade associations, professional associations).
To participate, click here and write your name in the window.