Eures (EURopean Employment Services), the cooperation network that promotes work mobility in Europe, has a new one: TMS, which means Targeted Mobility Scheme.
Funded by the European Program for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) and coordinated by ANPAL, Eures TMS is developed by combining the experiences of Your first EURES job and Reactivate. This time without maximum age limits.
The goal is always the same: to favor the intersection between demand and supply of work, apprenticeships or traineeships in the countries of the European Union + Norway and Iceland, promoting a fair and voluntary movement of workers and offering a response to the imbalances in the labor market European.
To its recipients - which are companies and organizations (public and private) based in a country of the European Union + Norway and Iceland, and resident citizens of the European Union + Norway and Iceland (18 years and +) - EURES TMS offers the opportunity to access a unique, integrated and personalized service, counting on the assistance of qualified professionals with long experience in pre-placement, placement and post-placement.
Job seekers will be supported during their work experience abroad also with targeted allowances. In addition, language courses, recognition of qualifications and travel and subsistence expenses can be financed.
For more information see EURES MOBILITY