Should you have any further question, please contact EAfA.events@ecorys.com

The event will focus on the role of regions and cities in supporting apprenticeships in the health sector. It will be an opportunity to explore initiatives put in place by regional and local authorities to train, upskill and reskill health workers taking into account the future skills needs of the sector.
This is the third appointment co-organised by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) in close cooperation with the European Association of Regional & Local Authorities for lifelong learning (EARLALL), the German delegation at the CoR and the Basque Government.
The discussion will be introduced by Ilias Lievanos, expert in Cedefop’s Department for skills and labour market, and moderated by Sandra Parthie of the German Economic Institute.
A VET teacher and an apprentice will bring their hands-on experience on apprenticeships in this area, their added value and discuss key challenges.
The following guests will also intervene during the panel discussion:
- Ms Maria Pascual Garcia, Head of the Unit of International Projects for VET, Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia
- Ms. Birgitta Sacrédeus, Regional Counsellor and Member of Dalarna Regional board, Sweden
- Prof. Dr. Karin Reiber, Professor for Nursing Education, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
- Ms Romy Karier, Counsellor of the Municipality of Clervaux, Luxembourg, Member of the CoR since 2019
To participate, please register here. You will receive further information on how to join the meeting after the registration.