With a dedicated budget of over 26 billion, the new Erasmus + program is not only more inclusive and international, but also more digital and greener. The programme is also simpler and more manageable, as there are better and more user-friendly IT systems and less paperwork. Access to financing under the EU Regional Development Fund or Social Fund will be facilitated via a ‘Seal of Excellence’ that will be awarded for quality Erasmus+ applications that have not succeeded in obtaining financing under this programme.
The improved programme will invest in innovative fields of study such as renewable energy, environmentalism, sustainability, environmental engineering, and artificial intelligence. As the pandemic has taught us the importance and the necessity of technology in our working lives and the possibilities offered by virtual learning and cooperation there will be a significant amount of funding allocated to the digital sector. Mobility will remain essential to the Erasmus+ programme and the new programme will increase international mobility and cooperation by extending international dimension to new targets such as adult learners.